Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mon., Nov. 17: Peer Editing Session

On Monday, Nov. 17th, is our PEER EDITING SESSION. If you're not here, you won't get the participation points. (You still have to contact a peer by email to obtain his/her evaluation, or I won't collect and grade your final research essay. Your peer editor's comments on your draft need to be submitted with your final essay in the folder, so I can see which of the suggestions you incorporated!). You all have each other's emails in your email account (I sent you our attendance list).

That means, your ESSAYS NEED TO BE COMPLETELY FINISHED on Monday, Nov. 17th, at class time. You don't need to print them out; have them ready in electronic format (as a Word document; no other attachments accepted!). EMAIL THEM TO ME BY MONDAY AT CLASS TIME. I will distribute essays to students whose partners didn't show up for the editing session, or who were sick (or otherwise excused) and could not attend.

Instructions for Peer Editing Session:

1) Use the following Peer Edit Sheet (Rubistar rubric), copy and paste it into a Word document, and save it to your desktop, and highlight the fields with the points you want to give on it in color. Assign an overall grade to the student, judging by what you think is most important in a Research Essay from all the components of the rubric. NOTE: You can also type into my rubric, once you've pasted it into Word. That means, you can include your own personal comments (in a different color, please!).

2) Email this sheet to the author of the essay AND to me as cc., so you can get your points. You need to finish peer-editing ONE paper in class on Nov. 17th (because many people cannot open docx files from home).

3) We are doing "online editing," which means that you are going to employ the "comment function" on the top of your menu list to insert your comments. You need to click on REVIEW, and then on NEW COMMENT (a yellow box).

Highlight the word that's wrong / the place where a word or punctuation sign is missing, click on "comment," and type in your suggestions. Save your document!!! If you don't save it, you will lose all your entries. When you're done, email it back to the author and me, TOGETHER with the Peer Edit Sheet (rubric). Correct all spelling, grammar, punctuation, format, and content mistakes you can find! Assign an OVERALL GRADE you would give to your partner, based on the rubric.

If you need to make up for missed days, tell me for whom you want to do EXTRA CREDIT PEER EDITING, and I will put your name on the list below so your peer knows what to expect from whom! When you email the proofread essay and the Peer Edit Sheet back to that student, and in copy to me, indicate for which missed day you are making up, so I can put an "excused" on my attendance sheet accordingly!

IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW MANY DAYS YOU'VE MISSED, COME TO THE FRONT AND LOOK AT MY GRADE BOOK! Some people might have forgotten to sign the attendance list, so make sure you have an explanation or an extra credit make-up for any missed days. This is the last chance for extra credit.

For people with computer problems at home: we're all trying to save our peer editing papers as Word doc, not Word docx, but if for some reason you cannot open your peer's comments, that doesn't count as excuse. Then, you need to work in the computer lab. If you didn't get anything from your partner, let me know, and I will email you a different paper.

You will exchange your finished research essays with the following partner:

group 1: Creighton Jackson + Jeffrey Ryden

group 2: Michaela Bazar + Katrina Kosma (Stephanie Jacques will do one X for Katrina Kosma)

group 3: Abby Hoover + Brittany Lingle (+ Creighton will do an extra credit editing for Brittany)

group 4: Pamela LaBelle + Ronesha Johnson (+ Creighton will do an extra credit editing for Ronesha)

group 5: Charlotte Jackanicz + Jamie Wolf (Renita Tanner does one X for Jamie)

group 6: David Tabler + Brian Pullyblank (Colin Ott does one X for David Tabler)

group 7: Colin Ott + Tiara Spencer (+ Creighton will do an extra credit editing for Tiara)

group 8: Renita Tanner + Randi McFadden (Colin Ott does one X for Renita Tanner), Abby Hoover is doing one X for Renita Tanner

group 9: Julie Pioter + Stephanie Jacques (Renita Tanner does one X for Julie)

group 10: Amber Pankau reads the essay from Randi McFadden


HOMEWORK for Wednesday, Nov. 19th, when the PEER-EDITED FINAL PAPERS are DUE:

Submit a FOLDER with the following components:

1. Your completed and corrected RESEARCH ESSAY

2. Staple or attach to it with a paper clip the Report Sheet from as a pdf file

3. The printed Peer Edit Sheet, and the printed peer-edited essay with your peer's electronic comments. If you have received more than one, submit them all. I'm going to check whether you made the suggestions changes suggested by your peers. Your peers will get credit (or extra credit, where it applies) depending how detailed/well done their proofreading was.

4. Your printed-out three sources (stapled). Make sure they are RESEARCH essays from JSTOR, ERIC, or Google Scholar, not simple webpages. Make sure they printed off correctly; I need to be able to see the page numbers, to proofread your quotations.

5. A written paragraph on a separate sheet of paper in which you tell me whether the peer-editing session has helped you, whether you think I should drop the peer-editing workshop for next year's classes, or whether you would prefer a Writing Center session to an in-class peer editing session, and WHY.

6. The Cover Sheet where you check-mark that everything was submitted, and on which I will write your grade. Print it out from here, or from your email, and check-mark everything you submitted.

EXTENSION ONLY for people who have their paper corrected in the Writing Center:

You can submit your complete folder on Friday, Nov. 21st (the last day of class before the Thanksgiving vacations). You need to have had a session with a Writing Center tutor about your whole essay, and this tutor needs to have written a conference summary to me by Friday, Nov. 21st. You need to tell this to your tutor; he/she won't do it by himself/herself. I will put your conference summary in your folder. You can make up for your missed homework points in all components this way. I won't grade your folder if you don't have a conference summary, because that would be a late assignment.

NO LATE PAPERS accepted.

Apart from the FOLDER: Also email your research paper to me (without attachments). Those which are A+ or A might be used for next year as good examples. I will ask your written consent before employing any of your material. Your support will be greatly appreciated by my future ENGL300 classes!!! Remember, you also got samples for everything we did from my previous classes...

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