Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Accents from Italy

Colin Ott, Creighton Jackson

Today, we'll take a trip to Italy and learn how to speak with an authentic Italian accent.

Listen to the following link as a precursor to what we will all learn today.

Another Great Clip to get a deep Sicilian Accent.

Now that you've heard the accent, lets set about disecting it.

  • There is typically one pronunciation for every vowel:

A = ah

E = eh

I = Ee

O = Oh

U = Oo

  • -ng- pronounces both consonants.
  • Initial sm- pronounced as zm-
  • Dental Fricatives (-th- as in thousand) are nonexistent and usually pronounced as -d-
  • Words which end in consonants are often ended with a heavy accent (often pronounced, stereotypically) as a schwa. This is what is responsible for the “That’s-a Spicy-a meat-a ball-a” phrase.

Now, some practice:

Pronounce the following sentences:

The singer and the banker go to the cafe every Tuesday.

This is the thousandth anniversary of something important happening.

It's a small world after all.

That's a spicy meatball.

Another one bites the dust.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Now take a look at this clip from "Life is Beautiful" and Italian movie starring Roberto Benigni speaking English.

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